There is nothing like autumn in the Pacific Northwest. The sun is still shining (well, most of the time!) and the temperature is perfectly crisp. While we’re waiting for the first rains to come, there are so many fun nanny activities for nannies and kids to do outside. These are just a few of the things we’ve been doing.
Some nannies raked a huge pile of leaves and the older kids played and jumped until naptime. The little ones wanted to play in the leaves, too. So we dumped a bunch of the leaves into a large tub. Then the tots reached in and had fun crunching the leaves with their hands. They even stomped on them with their feet (shoes on, of course!).
Later in the day some nannies went on a nature walk. We collected so many colorful leaves that we didn’t know what to do with them all. First we made a game out of sorting them. Then we made some leaf rubbings. They’re easy to do. Here’s how:
More Fun Nanny Activities
Have your child chose a leaf. Place a piece of paper over the leaf. Take a crayon and rub the paper over the area of the leaf. The leaf shape will begin to appear. After you’ve rubbed over the entire leaf, take away the paper. Repeat, using other colors and other leaf shapes. You can make rubbings with lots of different things. Tree trunks are favorites. So are sidewalks and license plates.
If you want to get messy, nannies can have the kids dip the leaves in paint and use them as prints. It was almost time to go home, and we had collected so many colorful leaves in our baskets. Nannies and kids picked out their favorites, tied them in bunches with string and brought our beautiful bouquets home.
The weather report says rain tomorrow. We’ll be ready to put on our raingear and do some serious puddle splashing.
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